Please consider my resume for this position.
Petru Sugar
10 Linelle Street
North York, Ontario, M2N 2J3
email: ***
* Many years of development experience in various programming languages
* Experience with the latest in J2EE
* Extensive experience in Relational Database programming
* Ability to work equally well in a team or independently
Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE):
JDK1.*, EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), Servlets, JSP (JavaServer Pages),
JSP Custom Tags, JSTL, JMS, JDBC, JavaBeans, RMI, AWT, Swing/JFC,
JavaMail, JMX(Java Management Extensions), MBeans(Management Beans),
XML and related: XML, XSL, XSLT, XML Schema, DTD, XPath, SAX, DOM,
Application Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere
RDBMS: Sybse, Oracle, DB2, MySQL
Frameworks: Struts with Validation and Tiles frameworks
IDE: WSAD(WebSphere Studio Application Developer) , Eclipse, JBuilder,
Forte For Java, JEdit
OOD: UML, Rational Rose, Omondo
Others: C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, Perl, SQR, KornShell, CORBA
(Visibroker for Java), Power Builder, TCL
Honda Canada Inc. (Senior Developer/Consultant)
(2004 March - present)
Worked on a multi-tier web-based application used by Honda dealers. The
application is integrated with Host (CICS programs). The communication
with the Host is an asynchronous one and is done through IBM MQSeries.
Both, the WebSphere Application Server and MQSeries are clustered.
Some of the technologies used are: Struts, IBM MQSeries, JSTL, JMS,
Servlet 2.3, JSP1.2, XML, XSL, XSLT, JDBC 2.0, DB2, HTML, JavaScript.
The application was developed using WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application
Developer) 5.1 and runs in WebSphere 5.1 clustered environment.
Toyota Canada Inc. (Senior Developer/Consultant)
(2002 May - 2004 March)
Designed and implemented a multi-tier web-based Extended Care
Protection (ECP) system used by all dealers across Canada and Toyota
Canada internal users.
The system is going to be used for creating and updating online
applications, agreements, claims, etc.
The application runs on WebSphere 4.0 application server, on JDK1.3.1
platform. Some of the technologies used are: Servlet 2.3, XML, XSL,
XSLT, JDBC 2.0, DB2 for OS/390, HTML and JavaScript, UML, Visio, ANT.
Eclipse 2.1was used as an IDE and TomCat 4.0 was used as a testing
application server.
EDS Inc. (Senior Developer/Consultant)
(2001 November - 2002 May)
Designed, implemented, tested and documented a multi-tier web-based
system administration tool for CIBC Wealth Management New Brokerage
Services System.
Used Rational Rose for creating UML diagrams (Class Diagrams, Sequence
Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams).
Some of the Java design patterns used were: Singleton, Delegation,
Factory, Command, Strategy, Null Object, Marker Interface, etc.
Used MBeans(Management Beans) to access configuration and monitor
information about WebLogic Server programmatically via JMX(Java
Management Extensions) standard API.
The architecture was derived from MVC(Model/View/Controller) paradigm.
The Controller role is fulfilled by a servlet. The View(for creating
the user graphical interfaces) is using HTML, JavaScript, JSP and JSP
custom tags. The JSP custom tags are using XSL, XSLT, XPath and
Transformers to transform XML into HTML for presenting the data to the
user. The Model is using Message-Driven EJBs, JMS, MQSeries, JDBC and
The application runs on Java 1.3.1 platform, using WebLogic 6.1
Application Server and is built using EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) 2.0,
Servlet 2.3, JSP(Java Server Pages) 1.2, JMS(Java Message Service),
MQSeries, JDBC 2.0, XML(Schema, XSL, XSLT, XPath), JMX MBeans, Forte
for Java v3.0, Oracle8i, HTML and JavaScript, UML, Rational Rose.
Integrated Communications & Entertainment (ICE) (Senior
(2000 September - 2001 October)
* Worked on all tiers of a multi-tier application (for Dominion Bond
Rating Service) with the core architecture derived from
Model/View/Controller paradigm(MVC). The user requests are handled by
the java servlets and their specific handlers(Controller). The servlet
forward the request to a proxy object(a singleton) which asks the
appropriate EJB (Model) to fulfill the request. The EJB analyze the
demand, gets the required data from the database, pack it in a
DataBean(JavaBean) and sends it back to the servlet. The servlet
forward the DataBean to the right JSP(View) for displaying it to the
* Participated in the design of the project. Some of the Java design
patterns used: Delegation, Proxy, Singleton, Marker Interface, Factory
Method, Iterator, Template Method, Façade, etc.
* Implemented and tested most of the EJBs(stateless and statefull
session EJBs, container managed and bean managed entity EJBs) which
form the core of the backend. The EJBs run in WebLogic application
server and use JDBC to access Oracle8I database.
* Wrote advanced JSP custom tags in order to simplify the maintenance
of JSP pages, to reuse the Java code and for better separation of
presentation from implementation.
* Created, coded and tested User Interfaces using JSP, HTML, and
* Designed, implemented and tested the multicolumn sorting for the
The application runs on Java 1.2 platform, using WebLogic 5.11
Application Server and is built using EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) 1.1,
Servlet 2.2, JSP(Java Server Pages) 1.1, JDBC 2.0, XML, JBuilder,
Oracle8i, HTML and Java Scripts, UML, Rational Rose.
CI Mutual Funds (Senior Developer/Consultant)
(2000 February - 2000 September)
* Designed and developed mutual funds applications using Java, WebLogic
Application Server, VisualAge, EJB1.1, JSP, JNDI, JConnect, Sybase.
* Evaluated WebSphere Application Server and used it for a small
* Wrote large programs to create the following FundServ Electronic
Standards Group(ESG) files: Transaction Reconciliation, Account
Reconciliation, and Price/Distribution as part of a VenGrowth fund
conversion for Mackenzie Financial Used: Java, C, Sybase DB Library,
Transact SQL, Perl, KornShell scripts.
Royal Bank Dominion Securities (Senior Developer/Consultant)
(1998 October - 2000 February)
* Designed and developed a mutli-tier Web application, using JDK1.2,
Servlets, JSP, RMI, JDBC, HTML and Sybase.
* Evaluated BEA's Weblogic Application Server (Enterprise Java Beans
1.0) and Visibroker for Java (v3.4) implementation of Corba
* Created new and optimized existing queries, stored procedures and
triggers for a relational database.
* Performed data modeling using Erwin (3.5.2).
* Reversed engineered databases using Erwin (3.5.2).
* Implemented business rules at the database level through integrity
complex triggers and stored procedures.
* Configured the environment on Solaris 2.6 for installing Sybase
Server and Replication Server and partitioned the hard drives.
* Installed and configured Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise v11.9.2
(row level locking) on Solaris 2.6.
* Installed and configured Sybase Replication Server v11.5 on
Solaris 2.6.
* Designed and configured a Warm Standby Application using Adaptive
Server v11.9.2 and Replication Server v11.5.
* Automated the process of shutting down and starting up of all the
involved in the above Warm Standby Application when the Operating
System is shut down or start up.
* Sybase Adaptive Server and Replication Server administration.
* Added thresholds and wrote stored procedures for logging warning
messages into the Backup Server log file when the transaction log
segment is a certain percentage full; wrote a stored procedure for
last-chance-threshold to automatically dump the transaction log when it
becomes full.
* Automated the backup process for transaction logs and databases.
* Designed, coded and tested CGI Perl scripts for getting Quotes,
and News from a Remote Market Data Server(RMDS). The Perl program
connects to RMDS through sockets, simulates batch queries (as RMDS
does not support them), and processes binary and ASCII strings.
* Designed and coded a TCL script for Quotes.
* Wrote SQR reports and customized SQR Reports written by PeopleSoft.
Bank of Montreal (Consultant)
(1998 March - 1998 October)
* Designed and coded a client-server Java application to keep track of
specific data using Java1.1, AWT, VisualAge for Java, Object
Serialization, Sybase, JDBC, Jconnect on a Unix platform.
* Designed and coded java programs to process complex clients data and
inputs for a Computron financial application, using JDK1.1 (Cott Inc.)
* Designed test cases and wrote code for testing JDK1.1.6 and JRE1.1.6
for year 2000 compliance.
* Performed Systems Integration including:
* Installed and configured workstations (Windows NT, '95) for network;
* Installed applications (FENICS, Attachmate KEA!, Attachmate EXTRA!,
Crystal Reports, MS Office, etc);
* Established connectivity with IBM Mainframe, VAX, Unix
* Installed and configured network printers.
* Designed test cases and wrote code for testing the following
products: Crystal Reports, Neuron Data, Magic for Unix, OI (Object
Interface Library), Applixware (Spreadsheet).
CI-Mutual Funds (Consultant)
(1997 Nov. - 1998 March)
* Designed a subsystem to calculate the early redemption fee.
This implied adding new tables to the database model, imposing data
at database level through triggers, writing stored procedure, which
enforced the business rules and did the data processing. All this
procedures were plugged into an existing C++ (DB-Lib) program (PBATCH).
* Designed, wrote and tested C programs (using DB-Lib), Sybase SQL
scripts and
stored procedures to perform various tasks for CI Mutual Funds and
* Wrote reports using SQR report generator.
Interactive Media Corporation (Consultant)
(1997 July - 1997 Oct.)
* Worked on porting an IVR System from DOS to Solaris 2.5.
* Designed and coded parsers(C++) for the old C code on the DOS
* Set up PCs for network.
Metropolitan Toronto City Hall (Consultant)
(1996 Dec. - 1997 July)
* Designed and developed a system for Retroactive Pay Processing
* Designed and coded C++ interfaces for Computron Financial Programs.
* Implemented business rules at database level using integrity
triggers and stored procedure (RDBMS:Oracle).
CI-Mutual Funds (Consultant)
(1996 Oct. - 1996 Dec.)
* Designed and wrote menus in Korn Shell, translating the DCL programs
(Open VMS) functionality.
* Tested and made the necessary changes to SQR reports written for
4.9 (Open VMS) in order to run in Solaris 2.5 environment, Sybase 11.
APG Inc. (Consultant)
(1996 May - 1996 Sep.)
* Decoded the TDS (Tabular Data Stream) Sybase protocol.
This was done by passing all the client requests and server
answers through a fake Server, which analyzed all data
passing through it.
The "fake" server and the Sybase client were written in C++ using
Unix Sockets and Client Library from the Sybase Open Client.
(1995 Oct. - 1996 Apr.)
The project that I was involved with at BNS was the Fixed Income
System project (i.e. FISS).
* Designed, wrote and tested Sybase stored procedure to perform fixed
income security landing and trading.
* Wrote and tested reports in C, using Client Library from Sybase Open
as interface to Sybase SQL Server.
BELL MOBILITY (Programmer Analyst)
(1994 to 1995)
* Designed and coded a log parser engine and corresponding parsing
The engine is responsible for reading data from shared memory and
the appropriate parsing routine. The parsing routines parse the data
extract important alarming information, which is sent to an alarm
process via
shared memory.
* Wrote Stored Procedures.
* Designed and coded programs for automatically doing the necessary
work in
databases, using Client Library like interface between C/C++ programs
and Sybase.
* Wrote parsing Modules for Cellular Communication message logging
data extracted are stored in specific tables in a DBMS (Sybase) using
Client-Library from Open Client like programming interface.
* Tested the parsing routines.
* Documented the testing procedures.
* Coded and tested the log alarm generation routines.
* Working knowledge of UNIX Interprocess communication (IPC) and
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to the communication
(Sockets provided by BSD and TLI provided by System V)
July, 1997
IVS software training course
MediaSoft Telecom - Montreal
1981 to 1986
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Technical University - Romania
1976 to 1980
Diploma of Computer Programming
Computer School - Romania